علوم اجتماعی و جامعه شناسی::
سازمان امنیت ارتباطات
CSE [Canadian] Communications Security Establishment
Establishment (CSE) fit in?
Finally, VanDuzer proposes changes to the legal framework governing Canadas intelligence services, by listing three options: an amendment of the CSIS Act to permit an expanded foreign intelligence- gathering function; the creation of a separate foreign intelligence agency with its own statutory mandate; or the expansion of the CSE into a foreign intelligence-gathering agency with its own statutory mandate.
The question is whether Canadas domestic legal framework, as outlined by VanDuzer, and the existing, but limited, foreign intelligence-gathering capacities of CSIS and the CSE are sufficient to negate the advantages of the more
Indeed, the revelations of former CSE officials suggest that Canada itself has not been completely immune to the
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